The Power of “Human Connection” in Driving Results…
One of the most significant by-products of “big data” is the profound impact it’s having on the challenges it creates with human connection. The increasing convenience and expansion of bandwidth is fueling a gold rush of apps and software platforms facilitating almost every facet of business imaginable, much of it replacing “live” human interaction. With the next wave coming in the way of artificial intelligence, there appears to be no limit in the ability of technology to meet the demands of productivity and the increasing speed of execution without actual human presence. So where do we as human beings fit in this increasingly changing paradigm?
To date, there is no app or platform that can replace the feeling of “human connection” and the role that “feelings” play in building trust and creating the partnerships that drive bottom line results.
It’s critical for leaders to understand the power of “human connection” and push it through their internal cultures and externally to their customer base. No one can challenge the fact that a significant amount of decisions are made based on “feelings” both intuitively and through actual impressions. This is especially critical in the selling process. “Live engagement” still plays a crucial role in prospective customers saying “yes.”
Key to any successful business outcome, leaders must see the value “human connection” has in brand positioning, customer loyalty, and new business opportunity.
Scott Weiss
CEO – Speakeasy, Inc.
Author of the Amazon Best Seller “DARE!”