You Can Always Trust a Dishonest Man to be Dishonest How many times have you walked away from a meeting asking yourself, “What the hell…

Millennials were raised around e-mail: texting, tweeting and sharing are intertwined into everything they do. I’m not saying Gen X’ers don’t post things to their…

In everyday usage, we think of a persona as an image or an impression. It’s an image projected outward for social purposes or public consumption,…

There’s a crisis of trust in this country. You can see it everywhere you look. It’s obvious in the abysmal approval rates for members of…

I recently had the privilege of having a terrific conversation with a journalist from Fortune, and here’s a short excerpt from the final product: …He…

I remember when a client, former President of Coca-Cola, delivered a presentation to over 10,000 bottlers from all over the world. When he stepped on…